Made of rich leather and finished with utilitarian details, these bags are everyday essentials.
Made of rich leather and finished with utilitarian details, these bags are everyday essentials.
Made of rich leather and finished with utilitarian details, these bags are everyday essentials.
Michael Kors men’s bags are designed to be equal parts pragmatic and stylish. We know that men in today’s world live an on-the-go lifestyle, and our bags reflect that. Whether you’re looking for a men’s work bag or just a stylish bag for men, we have countless silhouettes and colors to suit every style personality. The best part? Each leather bag for men is crafted with quality materials and sturdy construction so it’s sure to last.
If you’ve had the same bag for ages, it may be time to upgrade to a more modern man bag that suits your current style and needs. Our assortment of designer bags for men are made to fit any lifestyle. For example, the best work bags for men make it easy to navigate the morning commute. Messenger bags and backpacks keep your hands free and your belongings secure with special laptop and tablet pockets. For a more minimalist approach, our smartphone bags and sling packs offer organization without any fuss.
Once you’ve got a sharp new bag, don’t overlook the rest of your accessories. Men’s black watches and men’s silver-tone watches are sophisticated choices to keep you on schedule and on trend. A leather men’s belt can be coordinated to match your new bag for an ultra-polished look. Top it all off with a pair of men’s sunglasses—from classic aviators to sporty and statement-making frames, a pair of sleek shades are a stylish finish to any outfit.
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