Luxury handbags are at the core of our brand. Crafted from rich leather, sumptuous suede and more distinctive materials, our luxury purses combine runway trends with a timeless sensibility. From crossbody bags and clutches to satchels and shoulder bags, our high-end handbags feature polished hardware and meticulous attention to detail. Keep an eye out for the MKC Monogramme across the collection. With dreams of becoming a fashion designer, Michael used to sketch the monogram in high school. Proving that dreams do come true, it now adorns an array of glamorous handbags and luxury wallets.
The ultimate statement piece, a luxury bag is a timeless accessory you’ll treasure forever. Unlike other trends that come and go, a classic handbag will carry you through season after season. The Bancroft satchel is one of our most popular high-end purses, and it’s easy to see why. Its elegant silhouette gives way to a roomy interior, while chic top handles and a lock closure showcase the commitment to craftsmanship. Whichever of our luxury purses you choose, rest assured that it will elevate any look.
Although we believe that no outfit is complete without a standout handbag, we’re much more than a luxury purse brand. For decades, Michael Kors Collection clothing has been synonymous with modern American style. Tailored suits, silk dresses, luxurious cashmere sweaters and sophisticated coats always strike the perfect balance of easygoing and elegant. From the runway to city sidewalks, each piece is designed with the modern woman in mind. To complete your head-to-toe Michael Kors look, step into a pair of our luxury shoes. Sleek pumps, equestrian-inspired boots and bold platform sandals are just a few of the covetable shoes you’ll find in the collection.